
public class Wave

Block-Based Animation

  • Performs animations based on the Spring value provided.

    Note: For animations to work correctly, you must set values on the view’s animator, not just the view itself. For example, to animate a view’s alpha, use myView.animator.alpha = 1.0 instead of myView.alpha = 1.0.

    For a full list of the various UIView and CALayer animatable properties that Wave supports, see ViewAnimator and LayerAnimator.

    Example Usage:

    let box = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50))
    box.backgroundColor = .systemMint
    Wave.animateWith(spring: Spring(dampingRatio: 0.6, response: 1.2)) {
       // Animate some `UIView` properties
       box.animator.center = view.center
       box.animator.backgroundColor = .systemBlue
       // And one on `CALayer`
       box.layer.animator.cornerRadius = 10.0



    public static func animate(
        withSpring spring: Spring,
        mode: AnimationMode = .animated,
        delay: TimeInterval = 0,
        gestureVelocity: CGPoint? = nil,
        animations: (() -> Void),
        completion: ((_ finished: Bool, _ retargeted: Bool) -> Void)? = nil)



    The Spring used to determine the timing curve and duration of the animation. See the initializer Spring(dampingRatio:response:mass) for more information on how to choose relevant spring values.


    Optional. Determines if the animations block will be run with animation (default), or non-animatedly. See AnimationMode for information on when to use a non-animated mode.


    Optional. A delay, in seconds, after which to start the animation.


    Optional. If provided, this value will be used to set the velocity of whatever underlying animations run in the animations block. This should be primarily used to “inject” the velocity of a gesture recognizer (when the gesture ends) into the animations.


    A block containing the changes to your views’ animatable properties. Note that for animations to work correctly, you must set values on the view’s animator, not just the view itself. For example, to animate a view’s alpha, use myView.animator.alpha = 1.0 instead of myView.alpha = 1.0.


    A block to be executed when the specified animations have either finished or retargeted to a new value.